Cook Counter-pressure

Birthing Basics is on Spinning Babies with the service marked “Cook Counter-Pressure” being featured.  Cook Counter-pressure is also featured in The Labor Progress Handbook, 4th edition, Penny Simkin, Lisa Hanson & Ruth Ancheta, Chapter 11, starting page 354.

These techniques are being taught in forums such as Spinning Babies workshops, George Washington University Hospital L & D in-service training, and in workshops at various hospitals nationwide.

Cook Counter Pressure

The Cook Counter-pressure techniques are an alternative, non-pharmacological, no cost, non-invasive method of relieving back and pelvic pain for laboring women during the first and second stages of labor. Since its publication on Spinning Babies, I’ve been asked, “HOW EXACTLY does this work”? So, here’s the LONG version of it: Located on the posterior side […]

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-Copyright and Trademark Statements         Year Published/Completed: 2010, previously registered in 2009         Author: Lisa-Marie Sasaki Cook

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